Sergio Bellucci e Fabio Indeo – Il Lazio a Expo Dubai 2020

with writings by Nicola Zingaretti, Paolo Glisenti, Paolo Orneli, Nicola Tasco e Quirino Briganti

«Lazio is not only a land to be discovered for its artistic and natural beauties and for its thousand-year history, but a territory full of opportunities where the most innovative companies and the most creative talents find space today, from fashion to aerospace, from food to scientific research in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.
It’s time to start again according to new keywords: connection, innovation, sustainability, beauty and culture. We are in Dubai to reopen ourselves to the world and, after the months of the crisis, write a new page of growth and development».

Nicola Zingaretti
Presidente Regione Lazio


THE BOOK: “Culture is Innovation, Sustainability and Wellbeing – Lazio Eternal Discovery” is the claim through which the Lazio Region brings to Dubai, a crossroads between East and West, the best practicesdeveloped in the priority sectors of the Expo and the main projects of global interest correlated with major economic and social challenges, in the name of sustainability. The work dedicates ample space to the knowledge of Lazio and the United Arab Emirates, through a geopolitical and economic framework, retracing their history and exploring their development over the centuries, up to the global implications that the Expo entails. For the Region, as well as for Italy, which has always been a meeting place between peoples, talents and ingenuity, the Universal Exhibition represents an important opportunity to consolidate the network of international, commercial and cultural relations, slowed down in the pandemic period, which it constituted a hard blow for the global economic system, in order to restore new hope for the future and write a new page of growth and development. In the Italian Pavilion “Beauty connects People”, an innovative structure born from a project characterized by highly sustainable materials and technical solutions, the Lazio Region presents itself through six forums of international importance on strategic themes for the economy and regional development, and events spectacular events involving prestigious cultural institutes of the Region known throughout the world. Among the themes relating to the Lazio Region schedule in Dubai, the following are developed with the support of Lazio Innova: aerospace, life sciences, health and well-being, cyber security, sustainable mobility, creative and cultural industries, tourism, bioeconomy, agrifood, blue growth, green chemistry, forests, businesses 4.0 and digital craftsmanship, water, best practices and the circular economy. Lazio is not only a land to be discovered for its artistic and natural beauties and for its thousand-year history, it is a region full of opportunities where the most innovative companies and the most creative talents have found and still find space today, from fashion to aerospace, from food to scientific research in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.

Sergio Bellucci is a journalist, writer, recognized expert in Information Technology and Green Economy. President of the Free Hardware Foundation, former editor of the Terra newspaper. He collaborates with various daily newspapers. Among the essays he wrote we highlight:E-work. Work, network and innovationand The specter of capital. For a critique of the knowledge economy, written with the physicist Marcello Cini.

Fabio Indeo has a PhD in Geopolitics. He currently holds the position of non-resident researcher at the Center for Energy Governance and Security, as well as collaborating with the University of Camerino and the NATO Defense College Foundation. Among his numerous publications we highlightKazakhstan. Center of Eurasia, published by Sandro Teti Editore.

author: Sergio Bellucci e Fabio Indeo
with writings by: Nicola Zingaretti, Paolo Glisenti, Paolo Orneli, Nicola Tasco e Quirino Briganti
English translation: Federico Pastore
Arabic translation: Samir Al Qaryouti
titolo: Il Lazio a Expo Dubai 2020. Cultura è innovazione sostenibilità e benessere
price: 18,00 €
pages: 356
ISBN: 9788831492577