Various Authors – Le relazioni internazionali dell’Azerbaigian

foreword: Vittorio Emanuele Parsi

Azerbaijan, one of the engines of European and Asian economy, has its attention focused on innovation and modernity. This book has the goal of informing readers  about the fundamental role Azerbaijan played in the establishment of a new, post-bipolar international system.

BOOK: After the collapse of the Soviet Union and Azerbaijan’s declaration of independence, this Caucasian state became, in terms of geography and politics, the centre of important domestic and international evolutions. In this sense, the development of this country’s foreign policy represents a mirror of the whole European and Asian system moving towards new intercontinental targets.

EDITORS: Andrea Carati is a researcher in the field of international relationships at the State University of Milan. He is the author of the book L’intervento militare democratico. Le nuove pratiche dell’ingerenza e la crisi della sua natura temporanea.
Andrea Locatelli is a researcher at the Catholic University of Milan. He is the author of articles and books in Italian and English, e.g.: L’onda lunga delle Primavere arabe. Implicazioni teoriche e sfide geopolitiche e Tecnologia militare e guerra. Gli Stati Uniti dopo la rivoluzione negli affari militari.

author: Various Authors
title: Le relazioni internazionali dell’Azerbaigian
edited by Andrea Carati and Andrea Locatelli
foreword: Vittorio Emanuele Parsi
pages: 224
price: 19,00 €
ISBN: 9788888249339
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