Aleksej Puškov – Da Gorbačëv a Putin. Geopolitica della Russia

preface by Paolo De Nardis

From the end of the USSR to the serious deterioration of relations with the West. Thirty years of Kremlin politics described by an exceptional protagonist. A fundamental text for understanding the dynamics that led to the current dramatic international crisis.

THE BOOK: Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Moscow has aimed to reaffirm itself as a protagonist on the global stage. In these thirty years, however, his positions have always been little known and often distorted in the West. Aleksej Pushkov’s text therefore fills a void in the Italian publishing panorama, allowing the reader to know, without mediation, the Russian point of view on crucial issues such as NATO enlargement, Syria, the Ukrainian question, trade policies and the energy dossier. Pushkov has been an exceptional witness of Russian politics ever since, at a very young age, he began working on President Gorbachev’s staff. An influential politician, with many legislatures behind him in the two houses of Parliament, he is one of the leading Russian experts on international affairs. With an analysis as clear as it is profound and rigorous, the author offers an insight into the evolution of society and the political class of his country: from the fall of the USSR to Yeltsin’s dramatic nineties, from the rise of Putin to to the recent deterioration of relations with the West, which then resulted in the bloody war in Ukraine.

Aleksej Puškov (Beijing, 1954) Important Russian politician, historian and publicist. Author of numerous historical and political essays, columnist for various international newspapers, he was president of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Duma for a long time (2011-16). He is currently a senator and chairman of the Communication Commission of the Council of the Russian Federation.

Paolo De Nardis President of the Institute of Political Studies “S. Pio V”. Professor of Sociology at the Sapienza University of Rome and director of the Rivista trimestrale di Scienza dell’amministrazione. He was Dean of the Faculty of Sociology of the Sapienza University of Rome and co-founder of the Scuola Superiore dell’Interno.

autore: Aleksej Puškov
titolo: Da Gorbačëv a Putin. Geopolitica della Russia
prefazione: Paolo De Nardis
traduzione: Giordano Merlicco
prezzo: 18,00 €
pagine: 232
ISBN: 9788831492102
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