Magda Poli – Le donne che hanno fatto le donne

BOOK: Non-conformist extraordinary biographies of Nilde Iotti, Lina Merlin, Carla Lonzi and many other women are the contents of a theatre play named Women Who Created Women. The focus is on personalities who hit significant political and social targets in the history of the country: from the female voting right gained to houses of tolerance being closed, from the law on divorce to the one on abortion. Female characters leave History and enter the Stage passing the energy of their determination to new generations as, according to Magda Poli: «Theatre, like life in general, is an exploration of the present with a glance thrown at the future without losing the luggage of the past».

AUTHOR: Magda Poli is one the most famous observers of the Italian and international contemporary drama. She wrote about it on the pages of il Giornale from 1979 to 1986. Today she is a theatre critic writing for the newspaper Corriere della Sera. She is the author of books: Milano in piccolo (Rizzoli, 2007) and, together with Ferruccio Soleri, of Servitore d’Arlecchino. Cinquant’anni di teatro e di vita dietro la maschera (Rizzoli, 2011). The following plays by Magda Poli were published by Sandro Teti Publishing House: Shoah: era solo ieri (2011), Un mare di inchiostro per un mare di sangue. La Grande Guerra (2011), Napoleone (2011).

author: Magda Poli
title: Le donne che hanno fatto le donne
pages: 66
price: 8,00 €
ISBN: 9788888249544
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