Simcha Rotem – La Shoah in me. Memorie di un combattente del ghetto di Varsavia

foreword: Gad Lerner

BOOK: The Warsaw ghetto uprising is a historic event of extraordinary importance narrated in the first person by the last fighter still alive. The novel is based on the memories written by Simcha Rotem whose battle name was Kazik – a contemporary hero who joined the Żob (Jewish Fighting Organization) at the age of nineteen. Composed of young boys and girls having no support from the adult, the Żob managed to resist for weeks to a powerful and ruthless German army helped by the Ukrainian SS. When everything seemed to be lost, it was Kazik who guided the last dozens of fighters bringing them to the Aryan side of Warsaw, and from there to the forest where they could join Polish partisan units and continue the struggle against the Nazi army.

AUTHOR: Simcha Rotem was born in Warsaw in 1925. Under the name of Kazik he joins the Żob, Jewish Fighting Organization, and distinguishes himself as a fighter in the ghetto uprising. Responsible for the clandestine network, during World War II, he shares the most important Shoah events with thousands of Jews. In 1947 he emigrates to what is modern Israel with his family.

FOREWORD: Gad Lerner was born in Beirut in a Jewish family. He is a journalist, writer and a TV presenter. He is the author of numerous bestselling books, namely Identità plurali (2010), Scintille. Una storia di anime vagabonde (2009), Tu sei un bastardo (2005), Crociate, il millennio dell’odio (2000), Operai. Viaggio all’interno della Fiat. La vita, le case, le fabbriche di una classe che non c’è più (1988). His personal site is

Simcha Roten’s evidence inspires admiration and gratitude. It should not get lost.

Gad Lerner

author: Simcha Roten
title: La Shoah in me. Memorie di un combattente del ghetto di Varsavia
foreword: Gad Lerner
translation: Anna Rolli
pages: 224
price: 15,00 €
ISBN: 9788888249483
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